The roll you play as a parent in the successful development of your child’s journey in soccer, is vital to the creation of a long-term love of the game. In turn facilitating our coach’s path in his efforts towards player’s reach their full potential.
Creating a positive environment at home, demonstrating good behavior on the sidelines, and communicating the right message before and after practices and games has a significant effect on them. As a club we are here to help and guide you through this process as needed.
Refrain from coaching and refereeing “from the sidelines”.
Encourage self-discipline in their children and their teammates through example.
Make athletic participation for their child and others a positive, fun experience.
Alert coaches of any players’ health conditions.
Comply with the financial obligations to the club and the team, registrations, uniforms, tournaments.
Give encouragement and show interest in their child’s teams.
Encourage their child to show good sportsmanship in every game.
Be respectful toward coaches, referees, your child, other parents and their children.